The M&A team of LMBD is listed as highly recommended in the Leaders League Ranking 2025, with reference to key attorneys Frederic Deltour, Harold Minjauw, Fabrice Mourlon Beernaert and Pia…
News & publications
Harold Minjauw successfully assisted the founder shareholders of Accurat in this start-up’s second capital round, which was closed in the Spring of 2024. Read more on the transaction and Accurat’s…
A team headed by Frederic Deltour assisted Tom & Co group in the framework of the acquisition of 100% of the shares of Barq Europe NV (and affiliates) who operate…
In this book, Mr Bruno Maes and Mr Fabrice Mourlon Beernaert, two LMBD partners, together with other eminent authors from different professional groups, approach the cassation appeal in civil cases (including social cases), in criminal cases, in disciplinary cases and in administrative cases, both theoretically and practically.
LMBD – Business law firm has once again been ranked in the Leaders League classification of Best Law firms for 2023. LMBD is regarded as an excellent law firm for…
Harold Minjauw assisted the Dutch reference shareholder of PKF Pallets (The Netherlands) and its Dutch lead counsel HerikVerhulst on the Belgian legal aspects and documentation relating to PKF Pallets BV’s…
Harold Minjauw assisted one of the reference shareholders of Brussels headquartered 3E ( ) in the framework of India’s ReNew Power’s investment in 3E (October 2022).
Me Mourlon Beernaert has published (with Maximilien Arnoldy) an article relating to the judgment of the Cour de cassation (Belgian Supreme Court) of September 30, 2021 : « Société simple…
LMBD is proud to announce that our partner Pia Sobrana Gennari Curlo has been appointed as a member of the prestigious CEPANI / CEPINA arbitration center. CEPANI / CEPINA is…
Harold Minjauw assisted the shareholders of PerfectView CRM Online and its Dutch lead counsel HerikVerhulst in the sale of the PerfectView shares to Belgium’s Efficy group. HerikVerhulst’s advisory team consisted…
A team headed by Frederic Deltour assisted Tony’s Chocolonely group in the framework of the acquisition of 100% of the shares of Althaea NV and De Laet International NV. Those…
Harold Minjauw assisted a Belgian individual in the sale of a double veterinary practice located in West-Flanders, Belgium, to group IVC Evidensia. The transaction was closed on 29 January 2021.
LMBD is pleased to announce that, as from December 1, Stefaan Sonck has joined its litigation department. Stefaan brings us 40 years of experience as a lawyer, having worked for…
10 years ago, a band of friends, working in a reputed U.S. law firm, decided to launch their own Belgian, independent firm. The starting idea was simple: delivering top business…
Harold Minjauw assisted Belgium-based OMCO International in the acquisition of two Ross companies located in South Africa and Hungary. More details can be found here and here .
In een recent arrest van 11 september 2020 (C19.0422.N) beslist het Hof van Cassatie dat een cassatieberoep tegen een beslissing alvorens recht te doen in een tussenvonnis moet worden ingesteld vóór het verstrijken van de termijn voor het instellen van een cassatieberoep tegen het eindvonnis
LMBD recently took over the activities of the “Bützler & Geinger” law firm. After a remarkable career of more than 35 years as an attorney at the Court of Cassation…
De al dan niet verplichting tot het nemen van syntheseconclusie na heropening van het debat en na bekrachtiging van nieuwe conclusietermijnen – Cass. 9 maart 2020 (C.19.0185.N)
B. MAES, P. VANLERSBERGHE, N. CLIJMANS en S. VAN SCHEL, Gerecchtelijk privaatrecht …na de hervormingen van 2017-2019, 10e editie, die Keure, Brugge, 2019, 501 p.
Prorogation des délais de prescription et des autres délais pour introduire une demande en justice et prorogation des délais de procédure ou pour exercer une voie de recours
LMBD is proud to announce that Bruno MAES, lawyer at the Belgian Supreme Court, and his team, joined the firm as from March 2, 2020
Fabrice Mourlon Beernaert et Olivia Ledoux examinent le pouvoir d’appréciation du juge dans la charge de la preuve.
A team headed by Harold Minjauw and Pierre-M. Louis assisted the international group AR Metallizing, a subsidiary group of Nissha Co., Ltd. (Japan) in the acquisition of the German company Eurofoi
Het bewijs van (nog) nieuw recht: nieuw recht van bewijs. Door Fabrice Mourlon Beernaert & Tom Wera, advocaten LMBD. Lees Publicatie.
Fabrice Mourlon Beernaert et Tom Wera expliquent les nouvelles règles introduites dans le Code de droit économique par une loi du 4 avril 2019. Ces règles concernent les contrats entre entreprises et donc également aux termes et conditions (générales) appliqués entre elles.
On September 21, 2018, Bernard Dubois will deliver the inaugural address for the opening of the judicial year 2018-2019 to the new West Vlaanderen Bar Association. His speech is entitled:…
A team headed by Frederic Deltour assisted the shareholders of Réseau EQSO (network of specialized care facilities in 24 locations in Wallonia, Brussels and France) in the sale of a…
Harold Minjauw acted as lead attorney to DC Industrial – DC Resources / Group De Cloedt in the acquisition of a majority stake in two Polish marine aggregates concession holders…
Harold Minjauw assisted Belgium’s industrial group Group De Cloedt / DC Industrial in the acquisition of the Norwegian and Latvian (Halsvik / Kvalsund) aggregates businesses of UK’s Aggregate Industries, a…
Fabrice Mourlon Beernaert, Frederic Deltour and Pia Sobrana Gennari Curlo have assisted Therabel Group in the sale of their shares in Therabel Gienne Pharma to Neopharmed Gentili, a company member of the…
Pia Sobrana Gennari Curlo, « L’incidence de l’arsenal répressif propre au(x) droit(s) de l’urbanisme sur les contrats immobiliers et, en particulier, les prescriptions applicables aux différents régimes de responsabilité. Aperçu…
A team of LMBD Prioux led by Raphael Prioux has advised some major/reference shareholders of AB InBev in 2015 and 2016 on multiple key issues of corporate and financial law…
LMBD Prioux (Harold Minjauw) assisted AR Metallizing Group, a subsidiary group of Japan’s Nissha Printing Co., Ltd., in the acquisition of all equity of Brazil’s Málaga Produtos Metalizados Ltda. The…
L’Echo, 8 novembre 2016, Pierre-M. Louis
Harold Minjauw assisted a foreign client in the acquisition of a majority stake in a European shipyard. The transaction was signed in August 2016.
A producer had lodged a request for annulment of several tariffs decisions taken by Brugel, the Brussels regulator, and by the CWaPE, the Walloon Region regulator. In these cases, LMBD Prioux represented Elia System…
Cécile De Boe, Karel Nijs, « De boedelbeschrijving », tiré à part du Répertoire Notarial, Bruxelles, Larcier, 2016, 200 p., à paraître (avec J.-Fr. van Drooghenbroeck)
We are pleased to announce that Pierre-M. Louis has been placed in Band 2 on the list of “Ranked Lawyers” in the chapter Energy-Belgium of the Chambers and Partners 2016…
Cécile Detaille, “La langue de la facture : la Belgique condamnée par la CJUE”, Les pages – Obligations, Contrats et Responsabilités, juillet-août 2016, n° 10, p. 3.
Pierre-M. Louis has been nominated in the Belgian chapter of the Who’s Who Legal: Energy 2016 “as one of the world’s leading practitioners” in the field.
Cécile De Boe will speak, with Jean-Louis van Boxstael, at a conference entitled “Questions particulières en matière de partage judiciaire”, organized by the Commission Barreau-Notariat de la Province de Liège, about…
Harold Minjauw assisted the industrial group DC Industrial / Group De Cloedt in its acquisition of a majority shareholding interest in, and in the organisation of a joint-venture structure for,…
Bernard Dubois obtained a degree in corporate law from the Vives Brugge Business School.
Karel Nijs and Cécile De Boe gave a presentation about duty of care towards travelling employees in a seminar organized by Chubb.
L’Echo, 12 avril 2016, Fabrice Mourlon Beernaert et Pia Sobrana Gennari Curlo
Cécile De Boe, « Arrêt ‘Tecom Mican’ : la notion d’acte extrajudiciaire au sens du règlement relatif à la signification et la notification des actes judiciaires et extrajudiciaires », J.D.E.,…
L’Echo, 08/03/2016, Pierre-M. Louis
Cécile De Boe gave a presentation in the framework of a conference about current issues of procedure law organized by the CUP .
Cécile De Boe gave a presentation about the temporal application of the statute known as “Pot-pourri I” of October 19, 2015 in a conference organized by the UCL and the Walloon…
Louis Puts gave a presentation about fighting counterfeit and piracy in the framework of the continuous legal education organized by the Vlaams Pleitgenootschap, of the Brussels Bar.
L’Echo, 9 février 2016, Fabrice Mourlon Beernaert et Pia Sobrana Gennari Curlo